Travel and transport within Sophia Antipolis
A list criterion
- Stockholm - Childcare and baby-sitting
- Stockholm - Children
- Stockholm - Credit card
- Stockholm - Crime
- Stockholm - Cross cultural training
- Stockholm - Cultural center
- Stockholm - Culture
- Stockholm - Custom regulations
- Stockholm - Debit card
- Stockholm - Specialty shops and Delicacies
- Stockholm - Dental care
- Stockholm - Distance learning
- Stockholm - Doctors
- Most doctors speak English, but here is a list of doctors who speak other languages as well. For complete and updated information, consult a booklet called "Läkare, tandläkare 2002." (Doctors ad Dentists 2002) which is updated every year and it is freely available in any Apoteket (pharmacies).
- Stockholm - Driving licence
- Stockholm - Driving tips
- Stockholm - Duty free shopping
- Stockholm - Education
- Stockholm - Electricity
- Stockholm - Electronics and computers
- Stockholm - Embassies and consulates
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