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Stockholm - Libraries

There are a lot of small libraries, at least one in each neighborhood and all of them have an international section. You need to become a member before borrowing books, CDs/records or video-cassettes. You just need to show your Swedish identity card and give your address. The membership card will be sent directly to your home. Unfortunately each library has its own lending card so if you are a big reader you may end up with a wallet full of plastic cards. If you need a book and it is not available in your local library, the attendant will order it for you from another library. They have an excellent book order service.  If you wish to get the book personally, the librarian will tell you which library to go to.

Main Libraries 

The Swedish Institute next to Skeppsbron 2. It publishes fact sheets giving information on all facets of Swedish life in various languages; Stockholm Information Service and Tourist Centre: gives information
regarding tours to museum, boat trips, city tours and points of interest throughout the year;

The Library and the Bookshop offer information for reference. In the Bookshop you can purchase slides and records of Swedish artists and books.

  • Kungliga Biblioteket
    Tel: + 46 (0)8 4634000
    Mon-Fri 8.45am-8pm, Sat-Sun. 8.45am-6pm
  • City Library (Stockholm Stadsbibliotek)
    Sveavägen 73
    Tel: + 46 (0)8 729 86 00
    Mon-Thur 10am-8,30pm, Fri. 10am-6pm, Sat-Sun. 12pm-4pm
  • Karolinska Institut
    Doktorisringen 21D
    Tel: + 46 (0)8 728 8 65
    Mon-Thur. 9am 10pm, Fri. 9am-8pm, Sat .10am-5pm
  • KTH, Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan (Royal Institute of Technology)
    Valhallavägen 81
    Tel: + 46 (0)8 790 70 88
    Mon-Thurs. 9am 7.30pm, Fri. 9am-5.30pm
  • Svenska Akademiens Nobel Bibliotek
    Källargränd 4
    103 13
    Tel: + 46 (0)8 10 65 17
    Mon-Fri 10am 3pm, Thurs 5pm-7pm (September-May) Tus. and Thurs 10.00am-2pm (June-August)
  • Sweden House (Sverigehuset)
    Hamngatan 27
    111 47
    Tel: + 46 (0)8 789 20 00
    Located across the street from NK Department Store. It is the center of Swedish information in Stockholm.
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