Stockholm - Importing your goods
General information
General procedure for importing household and personal
A customs waiver, or release, may be obtained for used household goods,
furniture, clothing etc for the personal use of the family. A request for
customs release is made by completing the form 'Declaration for Household
Goods Customs Release' (Forsiikran for flyttsakstullfrihet). This form must
be signed and witnessed in Sweden and be accompanied by a detailed inventory
in duplicate in English, French, German or Spanish. Items covered by the
declaration may be imported as unaccompanied baggage. Goods arriving before
the owner's immigration can be stored at a Swedish free port or in a
customs-bonded warehouse to avoid duty.If your goods are coming from
tropical countries you need to submit documentation regarding the
fumigation process. If your goods have not been fumigated this can be done
in Sweden and clearance will take three days.
The following is an example of an invoice description:
Furniture: Tables, chairs, sofas, bedroom, home/office and living room furniture,desks, lamps, mirrors etc.
Kitchenware: Silverware, glassware, chinaware, pots, pans, utensils, electrical kitchen appliances etc.
Household goods: Linens, towels, rugs, toiletries, cleaning products, decorativearticles, art, framed pictures, toys, strollers, crafts, holiday decorations, fans, washers,dryers, VCR's, TV's, stereos, records, collectibles etc. -
Sport equipment: (NO FIREARMS!) Bicycles, weights, stationary equipment, skis,skates, surfboards etc.
Clothes: For women, men, boys, girls, and infants -
Books/printed materials: Books, calendars, personal records, photo albums etc.
Home/office equipment/tools of trade: Computers (CPU, monitor, printer, software etc.), filing cabinets, shredders, fax machines, telephone equipment, calculators,books etc.
Other personal effects: Item(s) not covered by previous categories should be individually described
Household effects are furniture, dishes, linens, libraries, artwork and similar household furnishings for your personal use. The articles must have either been available for your use or used in a household where you were a resident for at least one year, and are not intended for any other person or for sale
Household effects
Personal effects are items that
belong to - and are used by - one person, such as wearing apparel, jewelry,
photographic equipment and tape recorders. They cannot be entered as
household effects.
Household and personal effects are for personal use so they are entitled to
duty free.
Personal effects
Your shipment of personal and/or household goods must be cleared through Customs at their first port of arrival unless you have made arrangements with a foreign freight forwarder to have your effects sent in Customs custody in-bond from the port of arrival to a more convenient port of entry for clearance (ask your moving company if it offers this service). Customs will not notify you that your goods have arrived. It is the responsibility of the shipper to notify you of the arrival of your goods. After receiving this notification, you must enter the merchandise.
If your goods are coming from tropical
countries you need to submit documentation regarding the fumigation process.
If your goods have not been fumigated this can be done in Sweden and
clearance will take three days.
Note that the inclusion of alcohol in the shipment will delay clearance and
result in extra customs charges.
Expatriates may import one vehicle per family member and must be present for customs clearance. Those qualifying for duty-free import of household goods may also bring in a vehicle free of duty provided they can prove the vehicle was owned and used abroad for more than 12 months; the vehicle may not be sold for at least 12 months following importation. Customs authorities will provide information on environmental regulations in effect for catalytic converters.
Importing an automobile or other
The following documents will be required: vehicle registration certificate,
home country insurance documentation, purchase invoice, customs form
(separate from household goods), and proof of interim insurance with Swedish
General rules for liquor and tobacco
When you enter Sweden you can
carry 1 litre of spirits or three litres of strong wine and 26 litres of
wine and 32 litres of beer (for those aged 20 years or older).As for tobacco
you can carry 300 cigarettes or 150 cigarillos or 75 cigars or 400g tobacco
(for those aged 18 years or older).
There are severe limitations on the duty-free entry of goods carried by
travellers on the short sea routes between Norway and Sweden, and Denmark
and Sweden.
Prohibited is the import of:
Switch-blade knives
Mobile telephones
Most meat, dairy products and eggs
Endangered flora and fauna
Special permission is required for:
Firearms, ammunition and other explosives and radioactive
Bulbs, plants etc must have a certificate of soundness.
Medicine/drugs for personal use only are allowed (up to 3 months' supply;
prescription required).
Narcotics used as medicine may be brought in if intended for personal use
for a period of not more than 5 days.
Those who need to import special food and or medicines should consult their
nearest Swedish embassy, consulate or customs authorities.
Further information about customs regulations is available from Swedish
embassies and consulates and from the
- Custom Release Bureau of the General
Board of Customs (Generaltullstyrelsens tullfrihetsbyrå)
Box 2267
103 16
Tel: + 46 (0)8 24 00 00.
Firearms and ammunition
You need a special permission to import firearms, ammunition and other explosives and radioactive substances.
Food and dairy products
It is prohibited to import dairy products and eggs. Those who need to import special food should consult their nearest Swedish embassy, consulate or customs authorities.
Meat, livestock, poultryIt is prohibited to import most meats.
Medicins, narcotics Narcotics used as medicine may be brought in if intended for personal use for a period of not more than 5 days. Those who need to import special medicines should consult their nearest Swedish embassy, consulate or customs authorities. MoneyThere is no limitation in terms of total amount of monetary instruments which may be brought into or taken out of Sweden.
Permission to import pets must be granted by the Department of Agriculture. A veterinary examination is required and an import permit issued by the National Board of Agriculture. A blood test must be taken from animals who come from rabies-free countries (at present: Finland, Norway, Australia, Republic of Ireland, Iceland, Malta, New Zealand and the UK) at the port of entry. Whilst waiting for the result animals may be kept by the owner, but they must be in isolation. Animals entering from other countries must be kept in public quarantine for four months and import must not take place before assurance is given that a quarantine place is available (the demand for quarantine places greatly exceeds the supply, so waiting times can be long).
Trademark articlesPirated copies will be seized and destroyed.
Wildlife, fish, plants It is prohibited to import endangered flora and fauna. Duty exemptions for household and personal effectsItems which are for personal use, are entitled to duty free. Goods shipped separately must be cleared through Customs at their first port of arrival unless you have made arrangements with a foreign freight forwarder to have your effects sent in Customs custody in-bond from the port of arrival to a more convenient port of entry for clearance. Customs will not notify you that your goods have arrived. It is the responsibility of the shipper to notify you of the arrival of your goods. After receiving this notification, you must enter the merchandise.
Part time residents
Further information about customs regulations is available from Swedish embassies and consulates and from the
- Custom Release Bureau of the General Board of Customs
(Generaltullstyrelsens tullfrihetsbyrå)
Box 2267
103 16
Tel: + 46 (0)8 24 00 00.