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Singapore - Books, Magazines and Music Vendors

Available at Borders, Kinokuniya and Popular book stores

  • Tower Records 
    3 Temasek Boulevard

    #02-063 Suntec City Mall

    Tel: + 65 (0) 6338 5755
  • HMV
    260 Orchard Road

    #01-11 The Heeren Shops

    Tel: + 65 (0)
    6733 1822
    HMV offers English, Japanese and Chinese pop, jazz and classical CDs, as well as music magazines.
  • Borders
    501 Orchard Road
    #01-00 Wheelock Place

    + 65 (0) 6235  7146+ 65 (0) 6235 4981
    Sun-Thu 9am-11pm, Fri & Sat 9am-midnight

Books and Magazines

  • Popular 
    437 Orchard Road #B1-02/12
    Popular at Orchard MRT Station

    Tel: + 65 (0)
    6838 0820/+ 65 (0) 6235 0279 
    Popular has a large selection of books in Chinese, including children’s books. This chain of book and stationery stores is found at many locations. Popular is an excellent supply of office and home stationery and art and hobby equipment. It is the best store to find local publications, such as maps and street directories.
  • Kinokuniya
    391 Orchard Road, Ngee Ann City

    #03-10/15 Takashimaya Shopping Centre

    Singapore 238872
    Tel: + 65 (0)
    65 6737 5021/+ 65 (0) 6738 7472
    Southeast Asia’s largest bookstore stocks books in English, Japanese, Chinese, French and German.  Books can be found in all categories of fiction and non-fiction. They have an excellent range of travel books, maps and books for language study. The French and German books include fiction, cookbooks, travel guides and children’s books. There is a very large selection of books and magazines in Japanese
  • Borders
    #01-00 Wheelock Place

    501 Orchard Road 

    Tel: + 65 (0)
    6235 7146/+ 65 (0) 6235 4981
    Sun- Thu 9am-11pm, Fri & Sat 9am-midnight
    This is a huge store with an enormous variety of books, magazines, newspapers, CDs and several cafés. There are books in every category including computers, cooking, self-help, history, religions and fiction, with a tiny collection of books in French, German, Italian, Russian and Spanish. Magazines like Vogue, Elle and Geo are available in French and German. Also available are one or two magazines in Spanish and Italian. Borders hosts many in-store events including story telling for children.
  • Kinokuniya
    391 Orchard Road, Ngee Ann City
    #03-10/15 Takashimaya Shopping Centre

    Tel: + 65 (0) 6737 5021/
    + 65 (0) 6738 7472
    Southeast Asia’s largest bookstore with books in English, Japanese, Chinese, French and German. There are books in all categories of fiction and non-fiction. They specialize in books by Asian authors or about Asia. Kinokuniya has an excellent range of travel books,  maps and books for language study. The French and German books include fiction, cookbooks, travel guides and children’s books. They stock a large collection of magazines in English, Chinese, Japanese, Malay, German and French. German magazines include Bunte, Freundin, Brigitte, Focus and Der Spiegel. French magazines include Familie, Cuisine et Vins de France, Marie Claire, Maison Francaise and Science & Vie Junior.
  • Select Books
    19 Tanglin Road,
    #03-15 Tanglin Shopping Centre,

    Tel: + 65 (0) 6732 1515/+ 65 (0) 6736 0855

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