Oslo - School system
General information
Most schools in Norway are public schools, but there is a
growing number of private schools. Public schools are based on the principle
of egalitarianism, entitling all pupils to the same opportunities and
quality of teaching. Classes are mixed and there is no streaming. School
uniforms are not used. The aim is to integrate pupils with various learning
difficulties, both mental and physical, in normal schools (however, you find
a list of special schools under Special Education). After ten years of
compulsory schooling, you can chose to go on to a secondary school, either
specializing in academic, technical or business studies.
Graduation form the academic secondary school is called Examen Artium and
after this you can apply for a place at the university or college or any
higher education. University colleges require you to pass a preparatory test
called Examen Philosophicum (involves subjects such as Philosophy, Theory of
Science, Psychology, Ethics, Logic) in order to continue your studies and
obtain a degree. Degrees at the university are Cand. Mag. (lower
degree/undergraduate) obtained after four years and the graduate degree is
normally obtained after another two years. This higher degree is called
Cand. Oecon/Philol./Scient./Psychol./Polit., depending on the subject you
major in. After this you may continue to study for the Magistergrad
(advanced MA), and then the Doktorgrad (Dr. Philos.), which is equivalent to
a PhD.
The following link gives you more information about the Norwegian school
website: www.dep.no/ufd/engelsk/education/index-b-n-a.html
National Curriculum
In Norway school (grunnskole) is obligatory from the age of 6 to 17.
There are three main levels:
· barneskole (lower school) is from age 6 to 13
· ungdomskole (upper school) is from age 13 to 16
· videregående skole (secondary school) is from age 16 to 19.