Oslo - Mortgage
Loans (lån) and mortgages (huslån) can be obtained from a bank, an insurance company (see Insurance) or a public lending organisation, by filling out an application form. When deciding between loan offers, compare the nominal interest (nominell rente), which is stated by the lender, and the true interest (effektiv rente). The true interest represents the percentage of the principal payable to service the loan and it includes nominal interest, processing fees (etablerinsggebyr) and instalment charges (termingebyr). Loan payments consist of the instalments, repayments, interest on principle and the instalment charges. Payment plans vary, but the most common are serial loans (serielån) and amortised loans (annuitetslån).
Mortgage banks in the Oslo
A mortgage is normally offered for up to 80 % of the purchase price. Full
financing (100 % of the purchase price to be paid with a mortgage) is
offered if the lender can provide security from other property, for instance
your parents' mortgaged property. The size of the mortgage will depend on
the purchase price (kjøpesum) or the valuation price (verditakst),
as set by an assessor.
If your company/employer has an agreement with a bank that offers special rates for their employees, there will normally be a good loan offer worth considering. Inquire with your company or the bank or finance institution about loan types and payments plans. There might be "special deals" on offer.
Check the latest rates:
website: www.norskfamilie.no or www.dinepenger.no
- SpareBank
Henrik Ibsensg. 12
Tel: + 47 (22) 02 5050
Tel: + 47 (815) 32 200
website: www.sparebank1.no - Storebrand Bank
Filipstad Brygge 1
Tel: + 47 (22) 31 5050
Tel: + 47 (810) 00 888
website: www.storebrand.no - Postbanken
Biskop Gunnerusg. 14
Tel: + 47 (22) 97 6000
Tel: + 47 (800) 800 60
website: www.postbanken.no
Services at most post offices - Nordea Bank
Middelthunsg. 17
Tel: + 47 (22) 48 5000
website: www.nordea.no
Branches in Asker and Bærum - Bank Husbanken
Fr. Nansensv. 17
Tel: + 47 (22) 96 160
Tel: + 47 (815) 33 370
website: www.husbanken.no
The Norwegian State Housing - NOR Banken
Kirkeg. 18
Tel: + 47 (22) 31 9050
Tel: + 47 (815) 00 300
website: www.gjensidigenor.no
Mortgages, insurance and real estate - Den Norske Bank (DnB)
Kirkeg. 21
Tel: + 47 (22) 48 1050
Tel: + 47 (815) 48 815
website: www.dnb.no
Branches in Asker and Bærum - BN Bank
Dronningensg. 40
Tel: + 47 (22) 82 5600
website: www.bnbank.no
Mortgages, private and commercial