Oslo - Custom regulations
Customs (toll)
The customs paid on goods imported to Norway from abroad consist of an
import duty (tollavgift), special duty (særavgift) and
value added tax (merverdiavgift, MVA).
The import duty is based on the value (and some times weight) of the goods
when imported.
The special duty is paid on selected products, such as cars, plants,
alcohol, certain luxury items as well as food and household goods.
The value added tax (MVA) is charged on all
imported goods. The VAT or MVA (currently 23 % - this varies) is a tax added
on prices and services, and prices are given with the MVA included. The MVA
is not collected on exports, so when you buy certain items in Norway, make
sure you check with the retailer if the MVA on the goods they sell can be
exempted, if you are planning to leave Norway. Goods and services that are
exempt from the MVA are art sold by the artist or his agent, articles sold
by charities, books and newspapers, medical and dental care, stamps and used
An excise (avgift) may also be paid on certain items, including
cars and motor related items, fuels, some foods, electrical articles, etc.
For a detailed list of these items, visit the web site below or contact the
customs office at:
Schweigaardsg. 15
Tel: + 47 (22) 86 0850 (info. M-F 9 - 15.30)/+ 47 (22) 34 6600 (24 hours)/+ 47 (22) 86 0300
email: [email protected]
email: [email protected]
website: www.toll.no
The customs office at:
Oslo International Airport
Tel: + 47 (64) 82 1212 (M-F 8 - 15.30)