Oslo - Child benefits
Child benefit
Every family with children who live in Norway for at least a year
and pay income tax to Norway, are entitled to a tax free child benefit
(barnetrygd). This benefit is paid monthly, and the rates are not
dependent on your income. You need to apply for this at the social security
office (trygdekontor) of the municipality (kommune) in
which you reside, and you will need your residence permit and personal
identification number (personnummer).
Extra Family Allowance (kontantstøtte)
For children between the ages of one and three there is an extra payment
from the state called kontantstøtte (cash allowance). These extra
payments are made because of a lack of childcare places for the
under-threes. If your child goes to a kindergarten or nursery school
(barnehage) full-time, you are not entitled to these extra
payments, but if the child goes part-time the extra payment is reduced
proportionately. The intention is to encourage parents to find alternative
childcare and so ease the pressure on nursery schools.