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Mexico - Travel Arrangements for Pets

If you are thinking of moving country, you should first enquire as to the immigration requirements of that country for animals.  There may be a series of vaccinations or blood tests that may have to be set up to ready your pet for their move.

At the very least, your pet should be wearing ID tags including phone numbers and addresses, better still have a chip installed!

Find out the size of the animal carrier or crate that the airline will require for your sized animal.

Doors can pop open! Put a plastic tie as an extra safety on the box's door.
Freeze water in a plastic dish. By the time your pet gets thirsty, it will have melted. Or use one of the drop containers you can find in many pet stores.
If the trip is longer than 12 hours, attach some food in a plastic bag to the outside of the carrier.

Most airlines will accept the dog as excess baggage so that the dog will travel on the same plane as long as the total weight of the dog plus kennel is less than 50 kg (more or less 100 lbs). If the combined weight is greater than that, the dog usually must be shipped as cargo. Talk well in advance with the airline and make a reservation to make sure your pet will be on the same flight as you are. 
Get to the airport early. Checking in pets can take time (make sure you have all the necessary documentation at hand). To do this make sure you call the airline two weeks early so that you know what they require. Go to the check in counter. They will let you know where to drop off the pet and someone is called to load him into the cargo hold of the plane.

If any problems come up with your next plane (delays, etc.) check into getting your pet and re-checking him in when the flight is ready to continue.
After arrival, your pet is delivered to the baggage claim area.

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