Mexico City - Veterinarian Clinics and Veterinarians
For the section of Interlomas you can call:
- Dr. Alejandro Mestre
Home: +52 (55) 5291 1312
Mobile: + 52 258 74596, if calling from your mobile phone, if calling from the net, you need to dial:+ 52 44 258 74596
He is excellent with animals and comes to the house - M.V.Z. Luis M. Zemeño Sala
Centro comercial Interlomas, P.B. L-02
Tel: + 52 (55) 5290 0353
Emergencies: + 52 (55) 5230-3030 Clave 7009
24 hrs
Upon request he does make housecalls.
He also sells Eukenuba, Pro Canin and Science foods for animals. - Clinica Animal del Puente
Los Bosques 234, Loc 41
Col. Tecamachalco
C.P. 52760
Tel.: + 52 (55) 5596 9426 - Clinica Veterinaria
Dr. Moises Mitrani
Av. S.T.I.M. 105
Col. de los Bosques-Chamizal
Mexico DF
Tel: + 52 (55) 5596 9154
Fax: + 52 (55) 5596 0357
email: [email protected] - Clinica Veterinaria
Monte Athos 125 Letra E
Col. Lomas Virreyes
Miguel Hidalgo
Tel.: + 52 (55) 5202 2216
They bath your pet and also have kennels - Dr. L. Perez Villanueva and Associates
Presa Pabellón 8B-Irrigación
Mexico DF
Tel: + 52 (55) 5395 0466/+ 52 (55) 5557 1805
Tel: + 52 (55) 5629 9800, clave 8602 (Emergencies)
They bath your pet and also have kennels
They speak English - Dr. Rafael Maya
Av. de las Fuentes 174
Centro Comercial Superama
Mexico DF
Tel: + 52 (55) 5589 2958
He speaks English and French