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Mexico City - Maps

The most basic map which is indispensible to tourists and (geographically-challenged) locals alike is the Guia Roji Ciudad de Mexico. You can purchase it in some big supermarkets, at the "marts" in gasoline stations and some book stores for the price of 190 pesos (2005). This map has a blow-up of the city centre, and covers most of the metropolitan area.  The map (actually the book form is best) includes all of 84.700 roads and avenues, 5.850 settlements and 1.250 tourist attractions. It shows you how to find your way in and out of the city going by the Anillo Periferico (City ring)
An online map site can be found at:

Useful vocabulary
Look for                      busca
Direction                     direccion
North                          norte
South                         sur
East                           este
West                          oeste
Left                            izcierda
Right                           derecha
Straight ahead              siempre derecho
Local                           de aqui
Near                            cerca
Far                              lejos
Distance                      distancia
City Map                      plano de la ciudad
Road map                     mapa de carreteras
Address                       direccion
Street                         calle, carretera
Road                           camino
Place, square                sitio
Bus/tram stop               parada
Station                        estascion
Route                          ruta
Bus                             autobus, colectivo
Car                             auto, coche, vehiculo
Cycle, bicycle               bicicleta
Train                           tren
Drive                           manejar
City, town                    ciudad
Village                          pueblo, aldea
River                            rio
Mountain                      montaña
Flat                             plano
Steep                          escarpado, empinado
Country                        pais
Outskirts                       periferia, afueras
Municipality                   municipalidad
Central                         central
Down town, city centre   centro
Lake, water                   lago
Sea                              mar
Holiday                         vacaciones
Travel                          viajar
Tourist                         turista
Visit                             visitar
Live (in house)              vivir, habitar
Hiking                          caminar, viajar a pie
Hiking trail                    camino
Skiing                          esquiar
Altitude                       altitud