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Mexico City - Gas

In Mexico City, stoves, ovens, water heaters, heaters and clothes driers use gas (liquid petroleum gas, a mixture of propane and butane). When you move into your new residence, ask your gas supply company to send an expert to check that the gas installation, connections and tanks are safe and working properly.
Most likely, your house will have an installed gas tank. In the unlikely circumstance, that the system uses refillable tanks, Paguro recommends that you make the investment and have a permanent gas tank installed instead. They are much safer and represent much less hassle.
Make sure you know how to close the main gas supply in case of a gas leak.
To know which gas companies serve your neighborhood, you could ask a neighbor or your landlord, as there are many. The gas is pumped every few weeks from trucks that crawl long  the streets.

  • Gas Uribe
    Tel: + 52 (55)  5398 6399
    Gas prices are fixed by the government.
    When calling the gas company you need to provide them with the contract number, which should have been given to you by your landlord.
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