You are here: Home / Destinations / Mexico / All documents - Mexico City / Mexico city - Items That Are Forbidden to Import

Mexico city - Items That Are Forbidden to Import

- Live Predator fish species
- Totoaba (a fish), fresh or refrigerated
- Thalium sulfate
- Isodrin or Aldrin (pesticide)
- Heptaclorine or Drinos (pesticide)
- Any type of turtle eggs
- Poppy seeds
- Talidomide
- Poppy seed flour
- Leptofos (pesticide)
- Cannabis Indica (marijuana) seeds and spores, even if mixed with other seeds and marihuana-based medicines, juices and extracts.
- Heroine, Diacetilmorphine base of hydroclorine
- Opium juices and extracts, or smoking mixture
- Any medicines prepared from Morphine, morphine salts or morphine derivatives
- Turtle or tortoise skins and by-products