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Hong Kong - TV-Cable-Internet-Radio



  • Netvigator
    Hong Kong
    China SAR
    Tel: +
    852 2888 6311/+ 852 183 3833
  • Pacific Supernet Ltd
    Hong Kong
    China SAR
    Tel: +
    852 2335 3636
  • CompuServe (AOL)
    Hong Kong
    China SAR
    USA +
    1 614 723 9941
  • Asia On-Line Ltd
    Hong Kong
    China SAR
    Tel: +
    852 28378800
  • Yahoo
    Hong Kong
    China SAR
    Tel: +
    852 2837 6387
  • Power Net
    Hong Kong
    China SAR
    Tel: +
    852 2523 5080
  • HK Star Internet Ltd
    China SAR
    Tel: +
    852 2710 3298

There are four domestic television channels, and they show a mix of Cantonese and English tv shows.  This will probably not be satisfactory for your enjoyment of information needs, so consider the following options:

Cable TV
Tel:  183-2888 (yes, there are only 7 digits in the phone number)
Provides a mix of local and international channels.  The basic package has 29 channels, including BBC World, CCTV, CNN, Discovery, ESPN, MTV, and National Geographic.

If you live in a house and wish to get a small satellite dish, contact Intro-Tech Technology where you would be able to get up to 40 channels.

Intro-Tech Technology
Tel:  2544-8328


Provides a mix of local and international channels.  The basic package has 29 channels, including BBC World, CCTV, CNN, Discovery, ESPN, MTV, and National Geographic.
Tel:  183-2888 (yes, there are only 7 digits in the phone number)

Another package is the  Zee Pack which offers four Indian channels.

The International Pack has five channels including one from Japan, one from Korea, TV5 from France, Deutsche Welle from Germany, and TVE from Spain.

There is also the CAT6 Pack which gives 10 channels of "adult entertainment."

For a bit extra, you can add HBO, Cinemax, and Star Movies.


There are not a lot of radio stations in Hong Kong and most are in Cantonese or Mandarin.  A few that are not include:

RTHK Radio 3 has  talk show programs and news.  For a schedule of program events
Found at 567 AM, 1584kHz AM, 97.9 mHz, FM, 106.8 mHz FM

Radio 4 broadcasts news and mainly classical music. 
Found at 97.6-98.9 FM

RTHK Radio 6 --BBC World Service 675 kHz Am
Hit Radio at 99.7 mHz FM
FM Select at 104 mHz FM
Quote AM at 864 kHz Am which has dance music