Hong Kong - Updates on Cultural Events
Hong Kong is an amazing city with many cutural events. You are sure to find something that interests you if you know where to look. For weekly information about cultural events, pick up a free copy of HK Magazine, available at many restaurants around Central. All through the year, the City Hall will have pamphlets and fliers on upcoming events, so it's worth stopping in there from time to time.
Cityline at: www.cityline.com/eng/venues/venues.jsp will let you find cultural events by location or type of event. Log onto this site to see what is happening around Hong Kong.
The Leisure and Cultural Services Department also lists upcoming events by type and venue at: www.lcsd.gov.hk/MonthlyProg/Cs/index.html If you go to a performance offered by this department, be sure to fill in the audience survey if offered as that will put you on the LCSD's mailing list, which is the best way to know about upcoming events.
Useful vocabulary
There are some phrases you should learn in Cantonese when you arrive. Learn to say :
your address (and it helps to have a Chinese friend write it down for you on a card)
Right (jun yow)
Left (jun jaw)
Straight (chek hoy)
Stop here (lido m’goy)
Please/Excuse me (m’goy)
Good morning (jo san)
Yes (a sharp “hi”)
No (m’hi)
Make sure someone listens to you say it. Cantonese has 7 tones and the way you pronounce each thing is very important, otherwise you may be saying something else altogether!