Munich - School Overview
Students in the german system may spend between 9 and 13 years in school, based on their abilities and chosen vocation. Schooling starts at age 6, but children can go to Kindergarten from age 3.
Grundschule (elementary/primary school) is the first step. Grundschule is a 4 year course, culminating in final tests whose result determine which type of high school a child may attend the following year.
After Grundschule, children are streamed into Realschule, Hauptschule or Gymnasium.
Hauptschule is for children who are less academically-inclined or wish to work in a trade.
Realschule is an intermediate level between Hauptschule and Gymnasium. After completion of Hauptschule and/or Realschule, students may choose to go to a Berufsschule (vocational school) where they learn a technical trade.
Gymnasium is for academically-inclined children. The final year of Gymnasium is called Abitur (often shortened to "Abi"), which is a pre-requisite for university entrance.
Beside excellent public schools, Munich has quite a choice when it comes to schools for expatriates, with many languages represented.
For more detailed information regarding schooling in Munich read the documents Private schools, Public schools, School system etc. listed in the navigation box.