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Munich - Office Supplies

Most department stores (Kaufhof, Hertie, Karstadt) have a generous stationery section that sells paper of all colours, thicknesses and sizes, envelopes, pens, pencils, staplers, hole punches, folders and other filing equipment - you name it!

Just up from Kaufhof on Rosenstr you will find a devoted stationers called Kaut-Bullinger & Co. They have several floors of office and art supplies. They are a lot more expensive than the department stores.

If you are running a business, and your requirements are somewhat greater than for a home office, there are many large suppliers listed in the Yellow Pages under 'Bürobedarf', notably;

Dachauerstr 15
Tel: + 49 (0) 89 592 790
Offers free delivery to your office.

If you need to furnish your office, Ikea sells a lot of office furniture for a home office or a larger establishment. Otherwise, look up 'Büroeinrichtungen' in the Yellow Pages.


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