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Munich - Unit measures

This document provides a summary of the most common units of measurement we need to deal with in the household that can be found in use around the world today.
It is handy to be able to translate "new" units into the ones you are familiar with and for this purpose, we have listed the appropriate conversion factors needed to change a unit of measure into another one.

Based on a few years old survey, the only other countries that have not officially adopted the metric system are Liberia (in western Africa) and Myanmar (also known as Burma, in southeast Asia). These two countries did not have an official policy of converting to metric, at least at the time of the survey.
Most other countries have either used the metric system for many years, or have adopted the metric system within the last 30 years. Although there is some controversy about how to define whether a country is metric, the fact remains that among countries with non-metric usage the U.S. is the only significant holdout.

Use of the metric system is ever growing, especially linked with the wider acceptance of global standards which are mostly in metric measurements. In the 1970s, most British Commonwealth nations changed from the Imperial system of units to the metric system.

Length conversion factors

Metric to Imperial
When you know millimeters multiply by 0,04 to find inches
When you know centimeters multiply by 0,4 to find  inches
When you know meters multiply by 3,3 to find feet
When you know kilometers multiply by 0,6 to find miles

Imperial to metric
When you know inches multiply by 2,54 to find centimeters
When you know feet  multiply by 30 to find centimeters
When you know yards multiply by 0,9to find meters
When you know miles multiply by 1,6to find kilometers

Temperature conversion factors

When you know Celsius  multiply by 9 , divide by 5 , add 32 to find Fahrenheit
When you know Celsius  add   273.16 to find  Kelvin
When you know Fahrenheit subtract 32 , multiply by 5 , divide by 9 to find Fahrenheit
When you know Kelvin subtract 273.16 to find  Celsius

Weight conversion factors

Metric to Imperial
When you know grams  multiply by    0,035 to find ounces
When you know kilograms  multiply by    2,2 to find pounds

Imperial to metric
When you know ounces  multiply by    0,45 to find kilograms

100 grams   = 3 1/2 ounces
1000 grams   = 1 kilogram
1 kilogram  = 2.2 pounds
1 ounce  = 28.35 grams
16 ounces  = 1 pound
1 pound  = 453.6 grams

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