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Munich - Emergency Numbers List

Emergency numbers. Print and keep them available!

Police  Polizei   110
Fire Brigade Feuerwehr  112
Paramedic Notarzt   112
Ambulance    192 22
Poison Control Centre   192 40
Holistic Medical Emergency Service 192 43
Home Medical Service  + 49 (0) 89 55 1771/+ 49 (0) 89 724 2001
Emergency Pharmacy Service  + 49 (0) 89 59 4475
Emergency Dental Service  192 43
Rape Hotline   + 49 (0) 89 76 3737
AIDS Hotline    194 11
Alcoholics Anonymous   192 95
ADAC Emergency Road Service  + 49 (0) 180 222 2222  (Information: + 49 (0) 180 510 1112) 

Children's Medical Emergencies
The following institutions are available for children's medical emergencies 24 hours.

Rettungsdienst (Rescue service)
Tel: + 49 (0) 89 1 9222

State Home Medical Service
Elisenstr 3
Tel: + 49 (0) 89 55 1771
will also make housecalls
(just hold the line during the recorded message in German and someone will speak to you in person)

Private Home Medical Service
Tel: + 49 (0) 89  26 02 0660

Kinderklinik an der Lachnerstr
Lachnerstr 39
Tel: + 49 (0) 89 1 26 020

Haunerschen Kinderspital
Lindwurmstr 4
Tel: + 49 (0) 89 51 600

Kinderkrankenhaus Harlaching
Sanatoriumsplz 2
Tel: + 49 (0) 89  62 10 2717

Kinderkrankenhaus Schwabing
Koelnerplz 1
Tel: + 49 (0) 89 30 681

Emergency Dental Service  192 43

Mental health and addiction hotlines:

Alcoholics Anonymous    192 95

Counselling for alcoholics and drug addicts + 49 (0) 89 28 2822

Drug emergencies   + 49 (0) 89 7 24 2003

Psychological illnesses   + 49 (0) 89 4 48 1342

Since not all hospitals have emergency facilities, and may not be able to accommodate an emergency patient, it is better to call for paramedics or the rescue service rather than to drive an ill or injured person to hospital yourself.
The relevant phone numbers are:
Paramedic   "Notarzt"  112
Ambulance/Rescue service  "Rettungsdienst" 192 22

If you need an emergency doctor to come to your home, call + 49 (0) 89 55 17 71.
(You will initially hear a recorded message in German. If you hold the line someone will speak to you in person.)

Other important numbers are:
Poison Control Centre   192 40
Holistic Medical Emergency Service 192 43
Emergency Pharmacy Service  + 49 (0) 89 59 4475




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