Sophia Antipolis - Selling a car
If you want to sell your car in France, you will need to have the following documents ready:
- a certification de cession from the Préfecture or Sous-Préfecture (see addresses below) or the Police Station, which both parties must sign and retain a copy each. One copy is for the "Préfecture";
- a certificat de non gage, obtained from the Préfecture or Sous-Préfecture. This document proves that the seller is entitled to sell the vehicle;
- the technical control document, to be obtained from one of the authorized centers (see website:
On the "carte grise" (car registration document) the seller must sign and write vendu le followed by the date. Then he must cut off the upper right-hand corner and send it to the Préfecture together with the certificates.
After sending all these documents to the "Prefecture", the new owner will receive a new "carte grise" in his/her name.
To advertise the sale of your car you can:
- put an add on the newspaper "Nice-Matin",
- park your car near a traffic circle and put a "A VENDRE" (for sale) sign, with a contact number and price
- check if through your company you may advertise internally
- advertise for free in Paguro!
Route de Grenoble
BP 1
Nice cedex 3
Tel : +33 (0)4 9372 2000
Sous-Préfecture de Grasse
3, avenue Général de Gaulle
Tel: + 33 (0)4 9242 3200
Tel: + 33 (0)4 9242 3200