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Sophia Antipolis - Housing typology

Look for a house/flat near the job, schools, transport, etc. Before choosing, we advice you to visit the area at different hours of the day and why not during the night. This will give you a better idea of your new area. 

You can rent an empty apartment or one with furniture and appliances (meublé). Here are the different sizes of flats available:
- "une pièce" is like a studio. There is a room with a kitchen and a little bathroom
- "deux pièces" has a living-room, a bedroom, a kitchen and a bathroom.
- "trois pièces" has a living-room, two bedrooms, a kitchen and a bathroom.

Houses (villas)
Most people around Sophia-Antipolis live in a house with a garden.
There are two different choices:
- villa individuelle: a house
- villa jumelée: a semi-detached house

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