Paris - Housing typology
The best way to select an area
You should look for a house/flat according to the location of your
job, school, transport, noise etc. Before deciding definitly, we advice you
to come at different times of the day and why not during the night. Only
than will you have the right idea of your new area. Sometimes the area can
change during the night due to nightclubs etc.
Apartments - if you decide to live in
You can rent an empty or furnished apartment,(meublé). Here are the
different sizes of flats you can find :
- "une pièce" : it's like a studio. Room and
kitchen are in the same room and it has a small bathroom.
- "deux pièces" : one room, living-room, kitchen, bathroom.
- "trois pièces" : two rooms, living-room, kitchen, bathroom.
- Etc.
Houses (villas) - if you decide to live
around Paris there are different choices
- villa individuelle : house
- villa jumelée : semi-detached house