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Paris - Children advocates

Children in need, what can you do?

Anyone aware of abuse towards children should:

- if in an emergency contact the goverment (procureur de la république) or call police or gendarmerie,
- alternatively you can call Allô enfance maltraitée (dial 119, the call is free and anonymous) website:

 or you can get in touch with

- the medical/social services of the neighborood
- contact ASE (Aide sociale à l'enfance)
- the social assistant of the department where the child goes to
- the service of school health

The person in charge will be informed

If you are in doubt write a list of lelemnts that made you wonder if there is an ongoing case of child abuse and check with someone you trust what is theri opinion.

Des organismes à connaître
Pour signaler un cas ou être écouté (jeunes et parents) : 
Allô enfance maltraitée, numéro vert : composer le 119 (24/24h) - Service national d'accueil téléphonique pour l'enfance maltraitée (Snatem). 
Here is a list of organization you should be aware of 

Allo Enfance maltraitée
free number: 119 (24h)

Fil santé jeunes
free number: 0 800 235 236 (from 8 am to midnight).
Enfance et partage
free number: 0 800 05 12 34 (mondayto saturday from 9 am till 9 pm) 

SOS Violences
free number : 0801 55 55 00 
SOS Croix rouge écoute
free number: 0 800 858 858 (monday to friday from 10 am to 10 pm) 
SOS Familles en péril
Tel : 01 4246 6677 
Inter service parents
Tel: 01 44 93 44 93


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