France - Pets paperwork
There is no quarantine for pets in France
- Before traveling with your pet to France, make sure that you have a health certificate for your animal, issued only 5 days before departure.
- The pet must have rabies vaccination. The shot must have been given no later than thirty days and no more than one year before scheduled arrival.
- All dogs and cats must be tattooed or have an electronic identification device by implantable transponder (the chip).
- Your pet must be at least three months old.
- Exotic or endangered animals are forbidden.
- If the paperwork is not in order, your pet will be sent back.
Paper work you will need :
- vaccination certificates
- veterinary file with details of major illnesses or operations
- certificate of origin and health:
must state that the pet has lived for at least 6 months in a
country that has been free of rabies for three years
or more.
All the information has to be translated into French, although English might be approved.
The easiest and quickest source of information on the issue is your airline carrier.
You can get forms and information you need from the French embassies or the Ministry of Agriculture.
For information call:
Ministère de l'Agriculture de la Pêche et de l'Alimentation
Sous-Direction de la Santé et de la Protection animale -
Bureau de la surveillance du territoire et des relations internationales
251, rue de Vaugirard
Paris Cedex 15
Tel: + 33 (0)1 4955 8483
Fax: + 33 (0)1 4955 4398