France - Owning a Car
Buying a Car
If you decide to buy a second-hand car, you must get a document called 'contrôle technique'. If the car is over four years, it must pass some technical controls. These technical test are compulsory for private and commercial vehicles under 3.5 tones over four years old. It must be dated less than 6 month.
Technical control :
To get a better idea of the market prices of cars, I advis`e you to buy the magazine "Argus" which lists the value of all types of cars.
If you want to buy a new car, go to the car dealers.
For registering a new car, you will want these documents:
- Proof of residence and identity
- The 'cession' certificate
- The 'carte grise'
Most of the time car dealers do all the paperwork for you ! However for more details see the chapter 'selling a car'.
Selling a car
- How to sell your car ?
- put an ad. in the newspaper,
- park your car near a traffic circle and put a sticker with "A VENDRE", your telephone number and the price on it,
- perhaps perhaps there is a popssibility in your company
- advertise in Paguro for free!
If you want to sell your car here in France, you must obtain from the 'Préfecture' or 'Sous-Préfecture' or the Police Station a document called 'certification de cession'. The two parties must sign this document and each one keeps a copy. One copy is for the 'Préfecture'.
On the 'carte grise', the registration document for the car, the vendor must sign and write 'vendu le + date'. Then he must cut off the upper right-hand corner and send it to the 'Préfecture'.
The vendor has to also do another document called 'certificat de non gage'. This can be obtained from the 'Préfecture' or 'Sous-Préfecture'. This document proves that the vendor is entitled to sell the vehicle.
The last document, as I told you before is the technical control. You must obtain this document from one of these centers.
To do the technical control :
After sending all these documents to the 'Prefecture', the owner will receive a new 'carte grise' in his/her name.
Car Loans
You can obtain good loans from some insurance companies. They offer like banks car loans because or they have got a bank activity or they work closely with some banks. Otherwise ask different banks for car loans.
Car Registration
All cars are registered at the'"Prefecture' you belong to. You must have a grey card for your car. This one is delivered by the 'Préfecture'. It contains different information and also the registration number of your car.
Leasing a car
If you decide to lease a car, it means paying a certain amount each month without owning the car afterwards. This amount includes the insurance, the repairs and a new car in case of a problem! All car-vendors propose this type of purchase.