Denmark - Unemployment benefits
To be able to receive unemployment benefit you must have been a member of a union (A-kasse in Danish) for at least one year, prior to requesting the benefit.
According to EU regulations you may transfer your national unemployment benefits to Denmark for up to 3 months, provided that you have been unemployed in your home country for a minimum of 4 weeks prior to your departure.
Before departing, you should inform the office where you are claiming your unemployment benefits of your intention to look for work elsewhere within the EU.
Ask for the form E303, be sure to apply well in advance. If you meet the requirements, you will receive a compiled form E303, which you must bring with you to Denmark and hand in to the Public Employment Service.
You must register as a job seeker at a local Public Employment Service, Arbejdsformidlingen - AF, within 7 days of leaving your home country. When registered, you will be given a benefits card covering 14 days. You will receive your unemployment benefit from AF.
It is recommended that you bring the following documents:
- A passport or an identity card valid for the entire period of your intended stay in Denmark
- A CV (curriculum vitae) in Danish
- Your diplomas and references translated into Danish
- Photocopies of your personal documents
- Marriage certificate and children’s birth certificates, if any.