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Copenhagen - Emergency

Health Emergency

If you need medical attention outside your doctor’s office opening hours, call the emergency medical service (lægevagten). The lægevagten will advice you on what to do and, if necessary, refer you to the nearest hospital where they will have been notified of your arrival.

You can find the number relevant to your residential area on the first pages of the phone book. Phone books are delivered to every household.

Police, ambulance and fire - 112

CALL 112 - The European Union countries all share a single European emergency call number (112) in addition to their individual numbers.
GSM cell phones worldwide also use the emergency number 112.
When dialing 112, the operator will speak in both the language of the country you are calling from as well as in English.
112 is for life and death emergencies, for any other emergency the numbers relevant to your neighbourhood can be found on the first pages of the phone book. As a precaution remove the page from the phone bokk and place it on a board (refrigerator or similar) to have it handy when needed.

Useful vocabulary

Vigtige numre - Important numbers
El-forsyning - electricity
Gasforsyning - gas
Lægevagten - on call doctor
Politi - police department
Sygehuse - hospitals
Vandforsyning - water
Varmeforsyning - heating