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Houston - Safety Rules

Better to be Safe than Sorry...

Halloween Safety Rules
Young children should only go trick-or-treating with an adult. Don't trick-or-treat alone, go in a group. Make sure your family knows where you're going. Wear a flame retardant costume. Be aware of strangers. Never go inside a house to receive the candy, stay outside. Only visit well lit houses. Walk on sidewalks and driveways. If you have a cellular phone, take it with you in case of an emergency. Carry a flashlight.

To keep children safe, it's a good idea to prepare them in advance.
Teach children their name, address, telephone number and parents’ names
Tell them that if it doesn’t feel right, it’s OK to say NO
Tell them not to get into the car or walk with a stranger. If your child has to be picked up by someone else, make sure you have agreed on a secret code, so they can identify the person  correctly.
Tell them not to let a stranger take a picture of them.
Tell them not to approach a car if somebody is asking for directions or claims of having
lost a pet.
Do not have your child wear clothing or anything else where the name is
As parents, we should listen to our children carefully and watch for any warning signs they may be giving us indirectly. Make sure you know your children's friends, teachers etc.

Never leave children, people or pets in a closed vehicle in summer time.
Protect your children and yourself against UV-radiation by applying a sun screen.
Avoid excess heat outdoors and always drink plenty of water, natural juices or tea. Avoid alcohol and drinks with caffein.
Eat light meals, fruits and vegetables and avoid high protein food.


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