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Kennels in Houston

check what dog owners use and recommend in Houston

These compilation of addresses for kennels in Houston have been gathered from loving dog owners who have lived in and around the city for quite sometime. Have you had a good experience you would like to share?

A Dogs Dream (2910 Fountain View‎ Drive‎ 77057). It's a mom and pop place. Doesn't look like much, but  Francis loves it. Ask for the doggy day care deal during the day. There is a more expensive option (with cameras you can link to), but we don't do that one so that F can be with other dogs. They no longer have a pool (which we like since F sinks. :)

Pet Paradise (both Hobby and IAH locations).
Pet Paradise on Monroe next to hobby for Drake. They have a pool with lifeguards, supervised group play or one on one with a trainer, and many grooming options/boarding extras. They also take off the dog's collar and replace it with a ID neckband to prevent injuries and snags during play. They do charge a little extra if you have to drop off before they open at 7am or pickup late, but their prices were comparable to other kennels. Here's a link to their site, they have the Hobby location and two near IAH

Another option is I've been looking at this for Tapper since he's still too wild to be left at home for more than several hours at a time unless he's had several hours of exercise. =) I haven't used them yet so if you try them, let us know how it works.

If you want great petsitters who will stop by your house, I can highly recommend Mindy and Lauren are awesome! We've used them for nine years now and they took amazing care of our previous labs and still come in to care for our cat and house.

Lastly, this place was recommended to me by Cathy, Julia's mom, and Tapper is booked to go there next week for the first time so I have no first-hand experience, but Cathy said she was pleased the couple of times Julia stayed there. I did go meet Lori and see her place and am sure everything will be fine. No website, it's at  Lori's house. The business name is "Loral Canine Camp" located at 2326 Fifth Street in Stafford, TX and her  number is 281-261-9398. Tell her Julia sent you! =)

Camp Bow Wow in the Woodlands or Kemah is great

Meadow Lake in Pearland

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