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Travel and transport within Oslo

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Scuole italiane nel mondo
Baccellierato Internazionale (BI) - scuole riconosciute
Elenco ministeriale delle scuole che rilasciano il diploma di baccellierato internazionale equivalente ai diplomi di maturita' italiana.
English schools worldwide
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Ecoles françaises dans le monde
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Deutsche Schulen weltweit
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Scuole italiane nel mondo
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Schools Directory
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old visa paperwork
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Problems and Solutions
Jo Parfitt is an expatriate partner, who has lived and worked overseas for almost 20 years, in five different countries. She makes her living from writing, speaking and teaching about what she has learned along the way. In her article Jo reports on the progress and hindrance a spouse faces when expatriating.
Just moved to a location where there is no chance of attending continuing education classes because of a language barrier? Here are some ways around it.
Careers and Jobs on the Move
What work is available to expatriate, trailing spouses, who follow their partner in a move abroad should they wish to continue in their profession? Many opportunities have opened in the world of portable careers and telecommuting, in the last few years. Let's explore them.
Suggestions to make the 'landing' back home as soft as possible. Tips about moving back to your home country after a stint (or more) abroad.
Work permit
Immigration law worldwide change constantly, how to keep on top of everything?
Teenagers - Work opportunites
Networking Tip #1 - Understand the right networking mindset
Expat Coach Megan Fitzgerald discusses the importance of your approach to networking
Learning from the Digital Natives: Expat Networking 2.0
Megan explains the value of building your network online to better develop your personal brand and strengthen your career or business development
Networking Tips
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Expat Networking: Holidays are a Great Time to Nurture and Grow your Network
The holidays provide numerous opportunities to nurture and grow your network. So whether you are an expat in the midst of a job search, or a career-savvy expatriate who understands that managing your career means taking regular action towards building and strengthening your network, here are a few networking suggestions for the holiday season.

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