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Oslo - Mail system

Your post will be delivered to your post box once a day. Post boxes are mounted near your house or on a row with other boxes nearby. If you send a letter in Norway, it should normally arrive the next day (A-post/first class). To post your letter, either go to the post office or find a red or yellow post box with the post logo on it near shops and shopping centres. The post is collected at least twice a day, but less often on Saturdays and not on Sundays. It is possible to rent a post box at a post office if you wish to use a PO box address. All addresses in Norway have a four digit post code. Stamps (frimerker) are sold at post offices (postkontor) and kiosks/newsagents (Narvesen). Postal rates are adjusted every year, and you can check the prices and different postal categories, as well as post codes,  here:

Every post office has a post address book with a list of all post codes in Norway. Alternatively, call the help line at:  
 + 47 (810) 00 710.

If you move and need your post to be forwarded (ettersendt) to your new address, the post office will take care of this for up to one year, and after that it will be returned to the sender. To arrange this, you need to fill in a form at the post office with your new details. Should you be away for a long holiday, the post office can hold the post for you until you come back.