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Oslo - Housing typology

There are four types of housing in the Oslo area:

Housing co-operatives (boligbyggelag or borettslag)
In housing co-operatives, the members hold shares in the co-operative and this entitles them to buy property managed by the co-operative. When buying a house or apartment in the co-operative, you pay towards the joint mortgage of the co-operative as well as the general maintenance, insurance and common expenses. You may sell your share in the co-operative or sublet all or part of it to others.

For information on co-operative housing, you may contact the Norwegian Federation of Co-operative Housing Associations at:

  • Norsk Boligbyggelags Landsforbund
    Øvre Vollg. 11
    Tel: + 47  (22) 40 3850
    You will find a complete list of boligbyggelag (or borettslag) in the yellow pages. 

The following is a list of recommended boligbyggelag/borettslag in Oslo

  • LHL Boligselskapet
    Sandakerv. 99
    Tel: + 47 (22) 79 9400
  • OBOS
    Hammersborg Torg 1
    Tel: + 47 (22) 86 5500
  • Oslo Havebyselskap
    Damplass 21
    Tel: + 47 (22) 69 5193

Housing co-operatives in Asker and Bærum

  • Asker og Bærum Boligbyggelag
    Bankv. 11
    Tel: + 47 (67) 57 4000
  • Gullhaug Boligsameie
    Gullberget 28
    Bærums Verk
    Tel: + 47 (67) 80 0655

Shareholding flats (aksjeleiligheter)
These are similar to co-operatives as the owners hold shares in a block of flats and are jointly responsible for the mortgage and the maintenance.

Bonded flats (obligasjonsleiligheter)
Tenants hold bonds in the property and the contracts vary. It is advisable to use a lawyer when signing a contract.

Privately owned dwellings (selveierboliger)
These are houses or apartments/flats owned by the occupants (freehold).

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