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Mexico City - Job Opportunities

Expat Jobs and Careers

Mexico City is a perfect place to find work opportunities if you wish to do so. It might take a lot of paperwork, depending on what you want to do, but you will be able to get your work permit.

Opportunities abound and you can choose to work as a free-lance translator, part-time teacher, artist or designer, or search for employment in any of Mexico City's many affiliates of the best multinational companies or maybe even setting up your own business.

If you are seeking employement or to set up an entreprise, you will need to apply for a work-visa (see our Types of Visa document). It is best for the processing of the application to rely on the services of a corporate lawyer, especially if you wish to start your own business

A lawyer will walk you through the process and help you gather and fill in all the necessary paperwork.

If you decide to work freelance, the possibilities are many. Say, for example, that you want to work as a designer, or to make crafts at home and sell them. Either way, if you want yours to be a serious activity, we recommend that you set up a small firm and have a taxpayer ID number, also known as the "Registro Federal de Contribuyentes" or RFC. Most clients will demand your RFC, although there are still some business which operate without asking it from their suppliers (as they probably do not declare all their income to the goverment), but this practice, beside being illegal, is less and less common.

It is wise to consult an attorney or at least an accountant, to check the best way to set up your freelance activity. Depending on the activity you intend to perform, your legal consultant should help you determine the easiest, less expensive and tax-smartest way to start working.


Telecommuting is a relatively new career choice for many people. Thanks to the internet you can still work for a company by remote access while residing even abroad, through the use of computers and connectivity. This option is relatively new and so are the legal aspects that are associated with it.

In fact, this geographical freedom does not necessarily apply across country borders and thus this is a gray area which is under the scrutiny of countries law specialists.
This is a subject which needs further feedback from anyone who has experienced telecommuting, in order to avoid nasty surprises for those who plan working in a country other than the one of the employer.
At present, we are unaware of enough examples to scrutinize and advise.

Paguro welcomes your input and any experience on this issue!

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