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Hong Kong - Travel by Plane

As Hong Kong only has one airport, and it is a commercial airport with outrageously expensive landing fees, people do not fly privately around Hong Kong.  There may be some companies out of Shenzen, China that offer flights.

If you want an aerial view of Hong Kong, a quick helicopter trip is your best option.  You can either fly around Hong Kong, fly to Shenzen, or even fly to Macau for the day.  Sometimes you can get a good helipackage that includes the flight as well as a hotel.

Heli Hong Kong
Rm 1603 China Merchants Tower, Shun Tak Centre, 200 Connaught Road Central
Tel:  (852) 2108 9898
email:  [email protected]

9/F China Hong Kong Tower, 8-12 Hennessy Road, Wanchai
Tel:  (852) 2802-0200 or 2488-1659

If you’re at a hotel, they may have an airport shuttle or a bus that will take you to the Airport Express. 

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