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Germany - Real Estate Vocabulary

Useful German words to know when looking for an accomodation in Germany

Address = Anschrift
Airline = Fluggesellschaft
Airport Flughafen
Apartment, flat = Wohnung
Bank = Bank
Consulate = Konsulat
Credit card = Kreditkarte
Customs = Zoll
Embassy = Botschaft
Estate agent = Immobilien Makler
Import =  = Importieren
Insurance =  Versicherung
Membership = Mitglied
Moving company = Umzugsfirma, Spedition
Pet = Haustier
Rent, hire = mieten
Shipment = Sendung
Veterinary = Tierartzt

Useful vocabulary
Eigenkapital - the deposit or downpayment you can make on the property, from your own funds
Eigenheimzulage - the rebate the state gives you for the first 8 years after you buy a property
Immobilien - real estate
Kredit - loan
Laufzeiten - the length of time you have to pay the mortgage
Makler - real estate agent
Notar - notary
Rechtsanwalt - lawyer
Provision - fee the real estate agent charges
Tilgung - paying off
Vertrag - contract
Zinssatz - interest rate
The following list of abbreviations and English translations will be useful when you are scouring the real estate pages of the newspaper:
2ZKB  (zwei Zimmer Küche Bad) = two rooms + kitchen + bathroom
ab sof  (ab sofort) =  available immediately
Abstellr (Abstellraum) = store room
App  (Appartment) =apartment
Ausstatt. (Ausstattung) = features
Balk/Blk (Balkon) =   balcony
befr.  (Befristet) = available until
beziehb  (beziehbar) =   available from
Bj  (Baujahr) =   year of construction
DG  (Dachgeschoss) =  top floor
DHH  (Doppelhaushälfte) =  semi-detached
Du   (Dusche) = shower
EB  (Erstbezug) = new
EBK  (Einbauküche) =  built-in kitchen (very rare!)
EFH  (Einfamilienhaus) = single dwelling
EG  (Erdgeschoss) = ground floor
ELW  (Einliegerwohnung) =  granny flat
erf (erforderlich) = necessary
Etagenhzg (Etagenheizung) =  single store heating
exkl.   (exklusiv)  = exclusive, luxury
Fahrst  (Fahrstuhl) =  elevator
Gashzg (Gasheizung) = gas heating
gepfl.  (gepflegt) = well-kept
gesch  (Geschoss) =  floor/storey
ggf  (gegebenenfalls) =   if needed
gr  (gross) =   big
Grg  (Garage) = garage
großz  (großzügig)  =  spacious
HM or HMS (Hausmeisterservice) = caretaker
hochw.  (hochwertig) =  top quality
HP  (Hochparterre) = ground floor (slightly elevated)
inkl  (inclusive) = inclusive
kl  (klein) = small
KM  (Kaltmiete) =  rent only
komf. (komfortabel)  =  comfortable, convenient
kpl  (komplett) = complete, total
Kt  (Kaution) = security, deposit/bond
Kü  (Küche) =   kitchen
kurzfr  (kurzfristig) =  short-term
langfr  (langfristig) =   long term
MFH  (Mehrfamilienhaus) = several dwellings in one building
MM  (Monatsmieten) = monthly rent
möbl.  (möbliert) =  furnished
mtl  (monatlich) = monthly
Nachm. ges. (Nachmieter gesucht)  = looking for someone to take over the lease
NB  (Neubau) = newly-constructed house
NB Geb  (Neubaugebie)  =   new area
NK  (Nebenkosten) =   additional costs (heating, rates)
NR  (Nichtraucher) = non-smoker
OG  (Obergeschoss) =  Floor above ground floor
Park  (Parkett) = parquet (wooden floors are popular flooring cover!)
Prov  (Provision) = Agents' fee
REH  (Reiheneckhaus) = End terrace house
renov.  (renoviert) =  renovated
RH  (Reihenhaus) =  terrace house
rh  (ruhig)  = quiet
RMH  (Reihenmittelhaus) =  Centre terrace house
sep.  (separate) = separate, extra
sep. Eing (separater Eingang) = separate entrance
Stellpl/Stpl (Stellplatz) = car parking
teilmöbl. (teilmöbliert) = partially furnished
Terr.  (Terrasse) =  patio
TG  (Tiefgarag) = basement garage/parking
überd  (überdacht) = covered
UG  (Untergeschoss) =  basement floor
vollst.  (vollständig) = complete
WC  = toilet
WE  (Wohneinheit)  = number of apartments in a building
WG  (Wohngemeinschaft) = shared house or apartment
Whg  (Wohnung)  = apartment
Wohnfl  (Wohnfläche) =  living area in square meters
x-Fam.Haus (x Familien-Haus) = house with x self-contained dwellings
x-ZW  (x Zimmer-Wohnung) = x-room apartment
zentr. gel. (zentral gelegen) =  centrally located
ZFH  (Zweifamilienhaus) = 2 individual apartments
ZH  (Zentralheizung) =   central heating
Zi  (Zimmer) = room
zu verm. (zu vermieten) = for rent
zzgl.  (zuzüglich) =  plus

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