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Sophia Antipolis - Local tourist guides

"Le guide du routard" exists for all places in France and of course there is one for the “Côte d’Azur”. You can find it everywhere (supermarket, paper shops etc.)
French only

The General Council of “Alpes-Maritimes” proposes free guides called the "Randoxygène guides". If you want to discover the area by bike or by foot or in the water these guides are for you: practical guide, Rando Haut Pays, Rando Moyen Pays, Clues and canyons and Rando VTT.

To obtain them:

  • Local tourism information office (Town Hall of Valbonne)
    General Council
    Tel: + 33 (0) 4 9318 6000
    website:  - French only
  • Comité Régional du Tourisme
    Tel: + 33 (0) 4 9337 7878
    website: - French only

    They can also give you some information
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