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France - Municipality System

The French public administration is organized as follows:
State, Regions, Departments and Communes (Municipalities).

The Public Administration online:

The Ministry of foreign Affairs:

The Region

  • 22 regions, each one is divided into Departments. The Region is governed by Councils or 'le Conseil Régional'.
  • See all the French regions at:

The Departments

  • 106 'départements', Paris is located in the 'Ile de France' department number 75.
  • See all the French departments and news on your departmentat:

The Commune

  • The Commune is where you will most often visit for paperwork. It's managed by the Town Council.

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry

  • It is a public administrative establishment, which depends on the ministry of Industry and Commerce. Contact them if you want to create your own business.

Arriving in France with a work contract (given by your employer) will give you some rights and some duties.
You will have to obtain the following: social security number, E.U. citizen residence card, non E.U. citizen residence card, work permit, taxes registration. 

Social security number

  • Check with the 'Caisse Primaire d'Assurance Maladie' of your city.

E.U. citizen residence card

  • You must request this card from the 'Préfecture'.

Non E.U. citizen residence card

  • Your employer will initiate the procedure. They will send a dossier to the A.N.P.E 'Agence Nationale Pour l'Emploi'. It will be passed on to the D.D.T.E.F.P. 'Direction Départementale du Travail, de l'Emploi et de la Formation Professionnelle' and then to the O.M.I 'Office des Migrations Internationales'.
  • You will have to go to the 'Préfecture' with a list of documents: a valid passport, your work contract stamped by the O.M.I, proof of residence… Ask at the 'Prefecture' for a list of all the documents that you will need.

Tax registration

  • In France, you will have to pay these taxes :
    - income tax, 'impôts sur le revenu'
    - tax on accomodation, 'taxe d'habitation'
    - real estate tax, 'taxe foncière'
    - television licence, 'redevance'

Work permit

  • If you are a E.U. resident you can work in France for three months without a work permit. After that you must obtain it. If you are a non E.U. resident you must have a work permit before starting. It is best to have a work contract before asking for a work permit.
    For information ask :
  • Centre de documentation et d'information sur l'Union européenne
    Source d'Europe
    Le Socle de la Grande Arche
    Paris-La Défense Cedex 6
    Tel: + 33 (0)1 4125 1212
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