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Denmark - Vaccinations

Compulsory vaccination has contributed to the success of immunisation programmes in many countries, yet the benefits from compulsory vaccination are not universally recognised. In fact, although compulsory immunisation can be very effective, it might not be acceptable in some countries where high coverage has been achieved through other approaches or efforts, such as in Sweden, Norway, Denmark, the Netherlands, and the UK.

Denmark has only recommended guidelines for childhood vaccination program, which is a free service offered through the family doctor.
The program recommends vaccination against the following eight diseases:

Diphtheria: May cause serious and life-threatening inflammation of the throat
Tetanus: A serious infection contracted through contaminated wounds
Whooping cough (pertussis): A potentially serious disease, especially in infants
Polio: An infection resulting in permanent paralysis
Hib-infection (Haemophilus influenzae type b): A cause of meningitis (cerebrospinal meningitis) or epiglottitis.
Measles (morbilli): Characterised by high fever, coughing, common cold, eye irritation, exanthema (or a skin rash) and possible serious complications such as pneumonia or encephalitis
Mumps (parotitis epidemica): Characterised by swollen salivary glands and a slight fever and possibly complicated by meningitis or orchitis with permanent damages.
Rubella: Causes exanthema (or skin rash), swollen lymph glands and a slight fever. Infection in pregnant women during the first trimester may result in miscarriage or congenital malformation to the baby.

For the calendar of vaccinations click here

For more information about vaccinations in Denmark you can contact:

Statens Serum Institut
Artillerivej 5
2300 København S
Tel: +45 32 68 32 68
Fax: +45 32 68 38 68
e-mail: [email protected]
website: Statens Serum Institut (english version)

Opening hours: Monday to Thursday 8 am - 3:30 pm; Friday 8:00am-3:00pm

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