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Documents to Update

Paguro has compiled for you a list of documents to collect and to be kept updated, when moving around the world. If you know it all and more, we would like to hear from you. Send us your comments.

Leaving a country means getting started in another one where paperwork and red tape awaits you. Try to stay ahead of the game by collecting the right pieces of paper to ease your work on the other end.

Car Insurance - Claim Certificate

  • Do not forget before leaving your country of residence to ask your car insurance company for a certificate of your claim record. It can help lower your car insurance premium in the new location if you can show you have had a clean record as a driver for a period of time.

Bank Reference

  • Prior leaving a country ask your bank for a letter of reference. It might be useful or even required to open a bank account in the new location.

Medical Records 

  • Vaccinations booklet must be updated every time you are vaccinated. The vaccine type should be reported on the vaccination booklet, and where possible, the lot number listed).

Health insurance 

  • First: do you have health insurance? If yes, what kind of a coverage do you have?
    If you are on a company pension scheme, then you need to find out which sickness coverage is already provided, which private medical insurance is available and if it still meets your needs and that of your family.
    Funding for long-term health care could be a good choice - the population is growing older and the availability of state care funded by governments is likely to decrease - though still a personal decision.


  • Do you have one? You might have not considered having a will for several reasons like the belief that your dependent will automatically inherit.
    Well, let's get real! It is not that obvious that the distribution of your wealth is going to happen as you envision it. As an example, Texas law is very clear about guardianship, if there are no instructions (a will or other) and both the parents die, the children are assigned to a tutor by the government. If you are in a foreign country (and this happens often to you, doesn't it?), the rules could be different from your home country and your dependents may find themselves in deep trouble without a will.
    Make one now! It is imperative for both husband and wife.
  • If you have a will, is it updated? Have you reviewed it at regular intervals or whenever a major change of circumstances has  occurred (marriage, divorce, new business arrangements etc.)?
    Do you, your dependants or executors know where it is?
    Make sure you inform your dependents and any other parties involved about  how to locate it and who the lawyer is.
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