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Top 10 coaching tips for expat transitions

“I am happy to share with you my coaching tips for successful expat living. These come from my years of experience as a cross cultural trainer and professional coach - and as a fellow expat they come from the heart”. Val Boyko, Global Coach.
Top 10 coaching tips for expat transitions

1. Be curious. Keep gathering information about the country and your community. The more you know, the more prepared and comfortable you will feel.

2. Monitor your own emotions and understand that anxiety is normal. People
experience a rollercoaster of emotions at different times. Fear of the unknown and
feeling out of control are a normal part of adapting to living in a new country. Becoming aware of how you react to problems and experiences will also give insight into your own values.

3. Find people to support you. Look for other expatriates and people who have had a positive experience similar to yours. Keep in regular touch with family and friends back home as well as going out to meet new people. Consider hiring an experienced coach to give yourself a jump start to your new life!

4. Learn and use the language. Even if you can’t speak perfectly, your attempts to
communicate show that you are trying to learn and want to be there. Don’t give up when someone doesn’t understand, and be patient with yourself!

5. Listen and observe carefully. Try to see things from the other person’s
perspective. Don’t assume that you always know what is going on. Be sensitive to the people around you when making observations about their culture. Comments can easily be taken as criticism.

6. Celebrate each small step you take to feel settled here. Having a daily routine and purpose will make you feel settled sooner. Each step takes you closer to feeling at home and having a happy experience.

7. Keep an open mind. Just because it’s different doesn’t mean it’s bad!
The natural tendency to attach a “good” or “bad” label to all you observe or experience can be a major block to understanding a new culture. Most people behave rationally – it’s just the context that is different!

8. Be forgiving of yourself and other people. Accept the fact that you and others are going to make mistakes as you learn.

9. Stay positive. Keep away from people who will drain your energy and avoid
socializing or talking with other foreigners inclined to be critical and negative about the host culture. A positive attitude attracts positive things!

10. Be good to yourself. There can be much stress living in a new culture and
communicating with the people. Try to eat and sleep well, keep healthy, exercise and do positive things that make you feel good!

And don’t forget to plan for FUN!

Find out more about Val Bokyo and expatriation at