Sophia Antipolis - Utilities
When you have found the house or flat you want to live in, you need to set up services such as gas, electricity, telephone, Internet, radio and TV, water and sewer, waste disposal and recycling (where applicable). Paguro has selected companies that provide these services and tells you how to get started.
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Local overview
Tel : 08 1012 6126
EDF-GDF (Electricité de France, Gaz de France) has monopoly on the electricity market.
Since 1997, France Telecom is no longer the only phone company in France. You can decide which company you want, but you need a subscription with France Telecom in order to obtain your personal phone number. Other companies are: Cegetel, One-tel and Tele2.
Water is managed by local communities, which have a contract with one of the three private companies “Lyonnaise des Eaux” (Suez Group), “Vivendi Environnement” or “La Saur”.
“Throw less, recycle more” is the motto of the French government. In France, garbage increases every year. That’s why the government tries to recycle more and more.